Join us on Zoom December 6th for our First Wednesday Lunch with the League- Virtual Edition. The League is pleased to announce that Daniel Lishansky, of Floridians for National Popular Vote will be our speaker.
The National Popular Vote law will make every vote count equally. It guarantees the Presidency to the candidate who receives the most popular votes nationwide, in all 50 states and the District of Columbia combined. It has already been enacted into law by 16 states and the District of Columbia, for a total of 205 electoral votes. Other states are likely to pass it soon. The National Popular Vote will go into effect when 270 electors are reached, the number needed to elect a president.

Daniel Lishansky is the Chair of the Palm Beach County District and a member of the Statewide Steering Committee of Floridians for National Popular Vote, a non-partisan organization that is part of the League of Women Voters.
Daniel spent twenty-three years with the Nassau County Police Department in New York. He started as a police officer walking a foot post and retired as a Deputy Chief.
During his career he earned a law degree from St. John’s University School of Law and was later appointed the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer of the police department.
Daniel and his husband, an actor and a director, moved to Palm Beach County in 2004.